Robert Wendel and Dana Friedman

A Chanukah Overture

Instrumentation2+picc/2/2/2,4/3/3/1, timp, 2 or 3 perc, strings
DifficultyModerate [some high wind writing can be tricky for community level]
CommentsAppropriate for Holiday concerts both "serious" and "pops". This is a concert-style overture built on the theme "Maoz T'sur", "Rock Of Ages", "Al HaNisim", "S'Vivon" and "I have a little Dradle." One section is even rather "jazzy".
SourcesRobert Wendel Music [NYC] voice/fax 212-362-9094,
HistoryNew this season, already scheduled for performance by Jacksonville Sym., Cape Cod Sym., Nashua Sym.
ContributorRobert Wendel

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