Richard Rinehart

Ocean Depths

Lengthabout 19 minutes
Difficultynot too difficult
CommentsPiece intended to be palatable to a varied audience. Program music or short Ballet: (beginning excerpt only) "Sorcery At Dawn". In the predawn moonlight, an evil carrier bird swoops over a large three mast sail boat. The winged beast, saddled with the knowledge of what is to transpire, casts magical dust over the scene and thus secures the story's destiny. A sage, Mondarbar, having sensed the evil presence, is concealed on the boat deck and witnesses the event.
SourcesFor score and "electronic simulated orchestra" tape, email: , or Rich Rinehart at RineStock Studios, 15917 Lake Avenue, Lakewood Ohio 44107, USA; day phone 216.433.5211
HistoryUnperformed, electronic "simulated orchestra" version available. Composer is a Rock singer/songwriter that hopes to transfer some of the excitement and energy from that musical domain into his symphonic works and to create something appealing to new audiences.
ContributorThe composer, Rich Rinehart,, Computer Scientist at the NASA Lewis Research Center in Cleveland Ohio, USA.

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